Communication and painting

In 2024 I have been working with the “Heinzelfrauen” twice.
It is a social organization that helps women getting back into worklife and supports them in many ways, so that they are able to connect to their abilities and find new perspectives.
In January we did a workshop for “Bodylanguage” and in May we had a session for expressive painting.
Here you find the website

During the workshop in January I wanted to show techniques, that are practical and can be used immidiately.
Entering a room – The important role of bodylanguage
Talking to the client – greeting, speaking slowly, listening, asking
Excersises for the groupEmpowering the community

Workshop for bodylanguage, at Eva-Maria´s studio, January 2024

Free and powerful painting, that is not bound to a concept, to me is an important form of personal expression.
During the past years my painting developed more and more into the direction of abstract expressionism and was a big step into freedom of mind.

With the “Heinzelfrauen” we worked like that. We painted mostly with the hands and when we used the brush, the strokes were firm. The edge of the canvas or the paper shall not be the limit of the stroke. The stroke shall be made without limitation or fear.

This way of painting helps to find creative solutions in everyday life, since you let go of old manners of thinking.

Eva-Maria in her studio in Marz, showing how to work, May 2024
In the studio of Eva-Maria Biribauer, before the participants show up, May 2024
Workshop with the “Heinzelfrauen”, studio Eva-Maria Biriauer, May 2024
Workshop in the studio of Eva-Maria Biribauer, May 2024
Good bye, it was good to seeing you! Yours, Eva-Maria
