Workshops – Dates

Summer 2024: Preparing the “Birth” event in Vienna. Meeting with the young artists in the Burggarten.
Excercises for being dynamic, speaking, fast thinking.
More about “Birth” you find here.

May 2024: Workshop for expressive painting with the ladies of the social organization called “Heinzelfrauen”.
Find more information about the workshop here.

January 2024: Bodylanguage with the ladies from the “Heinzelfrauen”

Workshops in the planning stage:

“Working on large format” – workshop for children.
Free artistic expression on large-format picture media.

“Stories and how to tell them” – workshop for the whole family, or groups.
Joint analysis of a well-known story, approach to a pictorial representation of the characters. Work in words and pictures. Free choice of artistic technique.
Thoughts on narrative structures that we find in everyday situations.

“Respect – recognizing boundaries, setting limits” – For respectful treatment of oneself and others.

Pencils for working on paper. Transform-Arte 2019
Transform-Arte 2019: Three days of exhibition. Thoughts about peace in my project space “Room without time”
Transform-Arte 2017: Eva-Maria after three days of working on the large scale.
Kids working with me on canvas and paper. Transform-Arte 2017