Since 2015 work at WIFI Eisenstadt:
Communication training
Customer meetings
Exam preparation
Memory and learning
My units are part of the preparation courses for the master craftsman exams of the following trades:
Metal Technology, Automotive Technology, Bodywork and Painting Technology, Carpentry, Electrical Technology, Tinsmithing.

2016 – 2019: Cooperation with the guild of metal technology Burgenland
One day I was called by Markus Marchhart, the former head of the guild, and asked, if I want to create a presentation for a young audience to show the variety and possibilities of the metal craft.
The formal requirement was as follows: The whole presentation should fit into a box, that can easily be transported in a car.
The results were:
-) Dismountable “heads” of metal, that show the technical range of the craft.
-) Layout of the advertising material.
-) Content and manner of the oral presentation.

Together with head of apprentices Martin Steinhäufl and Markus Marchhart we presented our project at different occasions for further education to many young people, who listened carefully and asked many questions.

2018, 2019: Creative work with metal – Workshop by Eva-Maria Biribauer
This is an on-development of the above mentioned experiences, again for the guild of metal technology Burgenland. Working with kids in schools.
Highschool Siegendorf: 3 hours time for fantastic objects and drawings.
Mini Girl´s Day in Eisenstadt: 10 minutes time for small give aways.
Concept and material are delivered by me. The kids choose freely what to do and how to create it.

2018, 2019: BFI Großpetersdorf
Realizing “Head Nr.6” together with the apprentices and the head of BFI Großpetersdorf, Christian Pelzmann and also Creative work with metal – Workshop by Eva-Maria Biribauer.

2017, 2019: Transform-Arte Eisenstadt
This is an innovative and back then new type of art fair. Experiments could take place.
2017 „Room of transformation“
Big installation in my experimental space, using a lot of color, canvas and paper to paint, splash and tromp on.
Part of this installation was the audience and myself.
2019 „Room without time – Peace“
A lot more quiet and more to think. The audience was invited to collect thoughts about peace.