2023 “Zusammenkommen / Getting together – painting and workshops”
At Schuhmühle, Schattendorf / Austria. April 13th – June 28th

The links below get you to more photos on my open Facebook page.
Budapest peace project 2019: First thoughts on a collaboration with Hungarian artists. New insights on intuition, inspiration and spirituality.
Visiting Design Week Budapest 2019 (video)…

Transform-Arte 2017 in Eisenstadt: 3-day experiment in a spacious room, with a large canvas and different materials. Three days of transformation – through pain, art and joy of life.
From a white canvas to a colorful painted space. Working with the audience.
More photos…, photos 02…, photos 03…

“The sinner´s boudoir” at the Self Festival Venice 2015: 3-day action at Palazzo Ca’Zanardi during the Biennale 2015. On these days I inhabit a room, which is also the exhibition. On the photographs in the back you can see “The 7 deadly sins”, represented by me. In Venice I wear the same costumes as on the photographs and therewith remain part of my exhibition during visiting hours.

Since I have already worked a lot, you can find here only a selection that corresponds to my current personal state of mind.
Under this link you will find photos of a variety of my projects…