2021 Hungarian Level B1, at the Summercollege Szombathely, organized by the University of Vienna and ELTE Szombathely, supported by “Aktion Österreich-Ungarn”.
2021 The series “Bálint and me” develops into a big historic research and language project. The result are pictures, poems and stories in three different languages, displaying part of european history – “Táltos”.
2021 Intensive study of the Hungarian language, at the language center of the University of Vienna and private lessons.
2020 Starting to work on the new series “Bálint és én – Bálint and me”. New paintings and digitzed art pieces.
2020 Artistic fellowship granted by the provincial government of Burgenland.
2020 Opening of my new studio in Marz.
2019 Costume design for “Caruso-I did it my Wegas!”, OHO Oberwart.
2019 Participation in the art fair “Transform-Arte” in Eisenstadt. My project “Room without time”
2019 Costume painting for the Cats parody in the Simpl Revue “Noah’s Ark”, Cabaret Simpl Vienna.
2019 “Mechano Bot/ Kopf Nr.6” – completion of the art project “heads” with the apprentices of BFI Großpetersdorf.
2019 “Creative work with metal” in the NMS Siegendorf and at the Mini Girls Day in Eisenstadt. Workshop series developed by me, in which the young participants come into contact with art and an apprenticeship
2019 “V-Day/ Vagina Monologues” – I read the text of the lesbian dominatrix by Eve Ensler.
2019 The Hungarian language comes back into my life.
2019 “TierArt” – group exhibition at the Landesgalerie Burgenland.
2018 “Body Tales” – group exhibition at OHO Oberwart. Performance by me “Touch the artist – Touch the audience”/ work with the audience.
2017 X-Art group exhibition in Bolzano, organized by the provincial government of Burgenland.
2017 Transform-Arte in Eisenstadt, 3 day happening “Space of Transformation”. Work with the audience – connection painting and personality development.
2017 Further development of my painting into large-scale reproductions. Learning to reproduce by using photography and photoshop.
Short biography
Eva-Maria Biribauer was born in 1980 in Burgenland/ Austria. She quickly follows the call of freedom and studies fashion and costume design in Munich and Tokyo. Her first experiences bring her to the Schaubühne in Berlin and then to the Burgtheater in Vienna. Since 2003 she has been working in the costume department of major film and TV productions.
She also studies film and TV production at the Danube University in Krems and at UCLA in Los Angeles and works as a producer of documentaries (2007 – 2009). From 2011 occupation with acting, improvisational theater and dance.
However, the main focus of her work, until today, is painting and the development of artistic concepts. Therefore, in 2011 she decided to fully concentrate on art, influenced by all she´s already learned so far. Exhibitions in Vienna, Los Angeles, Rotterdam and Venice followed.
In 2015 she founded her company Inventive Spirits e.U., opened a costume rental in Burgenland and works as a teacher in the field of art and communication.